Power and Light Press
Holiday Mad Libs Card
Hello, and [adjective] [holiday] Wishes! I/We hope that this holiday season finds you [adjective], [adjective], and [adjective]. [year] has been a [adjective] [noun] of [plural noun] for me/us, and I/we have been [verb ending in -ing] with all kinds of [adjective] [plural noun] and [plural noun]. I/we went to the [adjective] [noun] and came back with too many [plural noun] to count! [location] truly is a [adjective] place. I/we also tried [verb ending in -ing] for the first time - [exclamation]! All in all, it’s been a pretty [adjective] year, and I/we feel so [adjective] to be [adjective]. [Adjective] [plural noun] to you and yours! (card is blank inside, letterpress printed, size A6)